Kormoran IMPULSER - User reviews

They were cheap. The 5000 first without experience. It seems in order, the nightmare began later. Braking dry, although a little hot asphalt tears. On hot dice - about behavior in the wet. Snow and ice do not write, because it's summer. Comfort zero. Resistance to rolling huge noise, like a tractor, one of the quietest in the middle of a completely inappropriate cars. The roar of the region. 70 kmh on wet sound like a roller coaster. Low attrition, hard rubber. Resistant inequality, and 60,000 did not notice wybuleń or something like that. Unfortunately, the unbearable noise causes many of them are certainly not buy. 20000 Last easily loses grip in the corners, even on dry ground, even if the tread away from retirement. As a general rule, I do not recommend the absence of any comfort.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface3
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level1
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
Tires are not the worst, but could be better, but with the price. On dry asphalt excellent braking cornering although sometimes at higher speeds and sharper cornering felt uślizg. Horror of horrors wet, you must be careful with what force pushes the brake, because you can take a tour (not where we want to), but in the end I learned to ride and I'm still alive. Regarding the noise is hard to say because in 23 years, you can hear everything the car and driving in winter ... it is summer and I do not understand the comments and advice on driving on snow and ice. Finally - you can forget aggressive driving!


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface3
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
He drove three seasons for them (they were only on the front axle) initially was okay, but the third season was a tragedy - have become very "slippery" and completely ceased to hold the "side". The arches and the wheels start with twisted printing was "running the tire on the rim," This tire is too Miekie sides and over time it gets worse disease. Insane in the riding season again leciwych Good Year GT 70 and despite the fact that, due to age and wear more fit almost into the trash are clearly better than cormorants (which is already down almost TWI).


Additional information

Distance made:below 2000km
Place of use:in terrain
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface3
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability3
At first, I was delighted when driving straight through the puddles hardly felt. But try to brake on wet asphalt, it is faster tragedy maneuvers. Extremely przejexdziłem on them all winter, but it was not driving, it was a nightmare. I do not recommend to our terms and conditions. after a few months on the sides of the bubble burst. Despite the inequality wszuystkie feel. I do not know how it is obtained the highest marks in the test and the cost of tires on wet tires nawierzchni.O cormorants are surprisingly high, I already three seasons and cool all the time.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:in terrain
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface1
Driving comfort
Noise level5
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
This is my second set as the first advertising because of the lack of balance (and the cause of this condition were tires notes) Fortunately, she found five of Mr. railways which deals with balancing the still do not even have a clue what to look for. The complaint was, and I'm happy, but the next round of niekupie. In the dry, I can not blame them, but now I'm shivering zachamowaniem wet because of problems (easy to lose traction). For a person who runs slowly but surely will be good for those who love driving dynamics, not.


Additional information

Distance made:10000 - 15000km
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface3
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
I was happy for the first rain. On dry asphalt quite right by me. But the wet asphalt surprises me, even after two years of use. Breaks grip during acceleration, especially with a twist, in which the player turns back and quickly falls into a skid when braking. When locked wheels have the impression that he would "like hockey." That is why I strongly advise against it. Recently gave me a turn too tight on wet asphalt, with no standing water 50 km / h In my opinion this is not a safe tire. Advantages: price and abrasion


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface1
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
I was happy for the first rain. On dry asphalt quite right by me. But the wet asphalt surprises me, even after two years of use. Breaks grip during acceleration, especially with a twist, in which the player turns back and quickly falls into a skid when braking. When locked wheels have the impression that he would "like hockey." That is why I strongly advise against it. Recently gave me a too tight on wet asphalt, with no standing water 50 km / h curve I think it is not safe tire


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface1
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
Disqualifying is to preserve these tires when braking on wet roads. The rest of defects (difficulty balancing, "beat" to 120km / h top speed peaks appearing on the sides), it is not life threatening issues :) The tire is wrong, but it is one of the few benefits ... I think if the price is Impulserów produceta quality and description is sought and the actual characteristics of the tire does not work ... In any case, I do not buy tires, nor is guided by the user reviews.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface2
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
Tragedy. After about 60 miles. km shot one of the tires on the rear of happiness. The following two are curved on the side and perimeter. He was one to remember me, I think I'm going to bloom ... Worse than those of cormorants are likely in vivo Debica. Both recommended for people with strong nerves and lubących living on the edge (really guarantee an extreme experience) Now I have a D100 Daytona. The difference is that the heaven and earth, especially in the wet.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:fast and aggressive
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface3
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
The tire distortion purchase is significant (podłóżnie wgęcia works on the inner and outer sides of the tire). Tires in the snow (in summer) inhibit better than Debica. The wet really drain the water. When braking on wet surfaces with 100km / h at the beginning you have to brake gently and then finally back to normal, gdzyż PAMs lost control of the vehicle. But overall this is from 1-10 for me are: 5


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:usually outside the city
Driving style:fast and aggressive
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface3
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability3
Total rating of the tyre