Continental ContiEcoContact EP - User reviews

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Good tires for a season. Very soon wear thin grooves on the tire - a sign that something is wrong - even if the correct geometry of the body. Tires disappear in the eyes. I ride very aggressively, and yet in the eyes disappear tires. 1 season - about, then this is a tragedy. While on dry asphalt is ok, it's a wet advise not to leave the house. I drove 30,000 kilometers on the tires. It is always a good result, but it is safe to 10,000 km. Even when changing tires winter service asks if you really want to put "something" on wheels :). Quiet tires, small burn, but the use of these tires completely disqualified. Certainly do not buy them again. I purchased Uniroyal 680 for the summer.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:in terrain + outside the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface2
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability2
Ryszard Gajewski
Shock - read 35 reviews. In the majority of negative 95%. When you replace the Kumho tires (which I almost did not kill) on ContiEcoContact seemed to me that these are the best (at least mentioned in the writings of automotive experts - I wonder how this pseudoekspertyza) . I confirm thin tires, good for a season. When it is assumed in December przejeździć box all winter, because they tread soft rubber and quality. Then just down the hill face tyres faster than the brake pads. OK in the dry after the rain long and vain brakes. I wonder if the German market works. I think there are good old technologies, and Poland is a market for experimental EcoContiContinental.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:in terrain
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface5
The grip on wet surface2
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption5
Tyre appearance2
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability1
The tire and good, but to the south of Europe, where they are up to the roads and the lack of rain. Benefits include: low noise, low wear. Disadvantages: driving in the rain despair not to mention even worse in the rain, slippery as ice, irregular transfers vibrations to the car. The car is from 2005 and is maintained so that you can not say it's the fault of the suspension.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:in terrain
Driving style:fast and aggressive
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface1
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption2
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability5
good tires on a nice stand firm in the corners, but already wet worse if the inhibition is still somehow, because his abs and do not fall into the slip, but you can not move dynamically (on dry, suchm for this department until nice). I rode in the snow last year and now are listed on winter tires, just a tragedy, especially on compacted snow.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption4
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability3
To dry the wet is ok too. Tires hard enough. belts center tread of 30,000 are without incisions are almost completely bald until afraid to look at tires, even if you have to drive with two seasons. Is it just supposed to be? But in my case, it goes on smooth rubber bands, no kaształtu protection (cut), the clear protective tape bearing only on the sides of the tire. This Polish ścirały somehow consistently that these "foreigners."


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:in terrain
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability2
Good tires, even though I mentioned the 75,000 thousand for the same model as the "beat" me against the strong and puszczały pressure 2.6 to 1.7 atm. Currently driving the second set and it is very good. They are really quiet (hard on the speedway afsfalcie). I recommend. VW puts in new cars. Unless someone has other recommendations on the VW Polo.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability3
5 years of use of tires purchased with the car in the living room. For 2 years I have noticed no problems with the tire time quickly becomes dangerous. Just because they drive safely and not have too many unexpected events, this is not someone in the łupnąłem return on these tires. Inhibition tragically tires on wet, dry can be, if someone was. Acceleration is the light energetic pathways. Last bit afraid of them, and after a winter walk "to scrap" - the need to take care of their own safety. For sure it will not be firm Continental.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:usually in the city
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface3
The grip on wet surface2
Driving comfort
Noise level4
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance4
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability4
Tires lead after 35 000 km are not to be used. In addition, after about 20,000 start "Dudnic". Are quite difficult, and during the winter season in general, you can forget. Judge for yourself on average.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:in terrain
Driving style:moderate
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface3
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability3
after that, unfortunately opny decay km away (matrix cracking), despite the tread still pretty good


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:in terrain
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface4
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level2
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability1
On these defective tires are not yet mounted. After 40,000. exchange (the son that came out). slippery in the dry and in the wet the fear in his eyes.


Additional information

Distance made:more than 15000km
Place of use:in terrain
Driving style:calm
Vehicle:no data was found.
Will you recommend these tyres to other users?:No

Detailed rating of tyres

Driving qualities
The grip on dry surface3
The grip on wet surface3
Driving comfort
Noise level3
Bump absorption3
Tyre appearance3
Frequent failures-
Feathering, durability2
Total rating of the tyre

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