Compasal Crosstop VAN A/S

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Model available
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From 67 pcs.
+ EcoFee (EMC*): 3.44 €
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*Included in this price is a statutory contribution to recycling costs.

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Product description

Compasal Crosstop VAN A/S

Compasal Crosstop VAN A/S is a tyre belonging to the all-season group and should be fitted to passenger vans. It will meet the expectations of those who rely on safe travel on any route, whatever the weather conditions.

A confident and stable ride on a variety of surfaces is due to the well thought-out tread pattern. It features a distinct V-shaped block arrangement. This ensures that drivers do not have to deal with gravel, mud or snow. Z-shaped vertical central grooves can also be seen in the tread pattern. Their function is to efficiently drain water and snow to the outside, meaning confident handling of the large vehicle on rainy and snowy days.

Thanks to the 3D steel inserts in the construction, the tyres are robust and resistant to heavy loads. It does not wear out quickly, guaranteeing durability and safety throughout its service life. In addition, the specially developed four-season formula makes the Compasal Crosstop VAN A/S tyre wear-resistant, resulting in increased durability and savings for the user.


Compasal is a manufacturer that has specialised in making tyres for various types of vehicles - mainly cars and trucks - for more than 20 years. The company continuously invests in research and development, which allows it to continuously improve its products.

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Prices and sizes Compasal Crosstop VAN A/S



Available sizes and variants
15" 1 size available
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Delivery 4-5 working days

16" 2 sizes available
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Delivery 4-5 working days


Delivery 3-4 working days
